Global tax rate dataset ( NOW UPDATED UNTIL MARCH 2023 )
Detailed list of the sample period for every country, the type of tax, and the dataset is available here (in Excel).
See our paper for more details.
Cite as: Carlos VEGH and Guillermo VULETIN, (2015), “How is tax policy conducted over the business cycle?,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Vol 7, pp. 327-370.
Global reserve requirement dataset ( NOW UPDATED UNTIL 2021:Q1 )
Detailed list of the sample period for every country, the type of legal reserve requirements, the specific source, and the dataset (in Excel) are available here. See our paper for more details.
Description of dataset (pdf file)
Dataset (in Excel)
Cite as: Pablo FEDERICO, Carlos VEGH, and Guillermo VULETIN, (2014), “Reserve requirement policy over the business cycle,” NBER Working Paper No 20612.
Global central bank independence measure
Open this file for a brief description of novel central bank independence variables. See our paper for more details.
Available in the Excel or STATA format.
Cite as: Guillermo VULETIN and Ling ZHU (2011) "Replacing a "disobedient" central bank governor with a "docile" one. A novel measure of central bank independence and its effect on inflation," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 43, pp. 1185-1215.